By Train
Nearest Railway Stations: Kottayam(from EKM side) and Changanassery(from TVM side).
Suitable trains:
From EKM side: Chennai mail(in the morning and evening)
Fro TVM side : Venad express and Shabari express
By bus
1. From Kottayam bus stand (near rly station), you will get direct busses to Saintgits college of Engg:, Pathamuttom.
2. From Changanassery bus stand (near rly station), you will get direct busses to Saintgits college of Engg:, Pathamuttom.
3. For participants coming from both EKM side and TVM side can get down at Mandiram junction(MC Road) as shown in map and will get bus or can take an auto to college.
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